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Urban Sustainable Drainage System

A sustainable drainage strategy will outline how you plan to manage onsite water runoff to lessen the amount of water that ends up in the local sewage system, as well as improve its quality. The sustainable element comes from its ability to mimic natural systems, and process rainwater in a holistic way.

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are designed to manage stormwater locally, mimicking natural drainage. They aim to:

  • Reduce surface water flooding

  • Improve water quality

  • Enhance the amenity and biodiversity value of the environment

  • Lower flow rates

  • Increase water storage capacity

  • Reduce the transport of pollution to the water environment

  • Manage runoff volumes and flow rates from hard surfaces

  • Provide opportunities for using runoff where it falls

  • Recharge groundwater to help prevent drought

  • Provide valuable habitats for wildlife in urban areas

SuDS are more sustainable than traditional drainage methods. They treat surface water runoff through sedimentation and filtration.